An explanation regarding the two characters for “kata” that are used to spell “Ise Katagami. “ Historically speaking, the “kata” part of Ise Katagami was expressed as the character「形」. This usage continued throughout the Edo Period to the Meiji Period. However, starting from the Taisho Period into the Showa Period, the characters「形」and「型」, both pronounced “kata”, were both used. After World War 2, this was unified to be expressed by only the character「型」. Ise Katagami, written as「型」, was used when six artisans were recognized as masters of the important intangible cultural property “Ise Katagami” in 1955. However in 1983, the Ministry of Trade and Industry (current: Ministry of Trade, Economy, and Industry) used the character「形」when registering Ise Katagami as a designated traditional handicraft. As seen in these cases, the characters of「形」and「型」are still used interchangeably to this day. However, efforts are currently being made to unify the spelling using the character of「型」. When considering the meaning of 「形」(shape) and「型」(mold), the latter’s meaning is more appropriate. When considering public recognition, internet searches show that the spelling using「型」are much more common. With this being the case and in order to unite the industry, the Ise Katagami Cooperative Association was established in 2009, and when patenting Ise Katagami as a local brand, the「型」character was registered. As previously stated, since at the time of being designated as a traditional handicraft the character of「形」was used, it is impossible to entirely escape both versions of the spelling. However, the industry is trying to spread the use of spelling with「型」as much as possible. Considering that the two spellings have changed with the flow of time, they add a tasteful character to the history of Ise Katagami.